
Our full privacy policy can be downloaded as a PDF here.


We rarely cancel events due to adverse weather conditions, but when we have to we will contact you to see if you prefer a refund or to use the ticket for a rescheduled event.

If the event goes ahead in bad weather, we don’t offer a refund; we believe that good clothing and a warm fire are enough to entice you out! We only cancel if the winds are above 25mhp or there is a combination of cold and high wind.


Ticket holders may cancel and receive a full refund up to four weeks before an event. After that, if you cannot make the event we suggest you can give it to a friend. This is because we are a small company and we have to pay all of our staff regardless of cancellations, our margins are low as we want to keep prices low and affordable.

Please email to arrange a name change for a ticket.